The Campus Honors Program at Penn State Fayette provides academically talented and self-motivated students with special learning experiences that challenge them to discover the full potential of a university education. The campus designates funding to provide courses, trips, events, research opportunities, and other exclusive support for Honors Program members.
Benefits of Honors Program membership include:
- Unique and intellectually stimulating honors courses
- Working closely with honors professors
- Opportunities for undergraduate research and presentations
- Free or subsidized travel and cultural events
- International travel opportunities
- Priority registration
Incoming students with outstanding grade point average and SAT scores receive invitations to join the program; returning students are recommended by campus faculty. Penn State Fayette students have intense demands on their time, so the honors requirements are easy and flexible. There is no formal application; simply indicate your interest and we do the rest. To remain in the Honors Program you must maintain good academic standing, take an honors class each semester, and actively participate in other honors activities such as on-campus cultural events. Students can voluntarily leave the Honors Program at any time.
If you would like more information about the Penn State Fayette Campus Honors Program, please contact the Honors Coordinator, Dr. Julio Palma or Dr. Melissa Robinson.