Free produce for faculty, staff, and students at Fayette campus garden
By: Joshua Simon
LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, has a thriving community garden located beside the University House. This 40x70 ft. garden is designed to promote healthy eating, cost savings, and a connection to food sources.
A collaborative effort, plans for the project began in the fall of 2019 with support from 20 students, faculty, and staff. Development started in early spring before the University transitioned to remote learning due to the pandemic.
On a quiet campus, the maintenance crew installed a deer fence around the garden’s perimeter. Chuck Roman, campus landscaper, rototilled the sod, incorporated compost, and provided grass mulch. Paul Coltus, research technologist, built and prepared the raised beds and mulched the walkways. Billie Jo Yuhaniak, administrative support staff, along with Coltus and Meredith, did the sowing. The group also met virtually with gardeners from other Penn State campuses to share ideas.
The "One Garden" began with 40 plants in 14 raised beds and has since expanded to include 110 different plants, a Native American medicine wheel, and various other crops. The garden offers 100% free produce to faculty, staff, and students, serving as a hub for growth and learning in Fayette County.
With edible plants available year-round, visit for more information on this unique part of the Fayette campus.