Leadership Fayette Application Form

Leadership Fayette is an immersive, transformational learning experience in a cohort setting that features monthly interactive workshops with regional business/industry leaders. These daylong, monthly experiences will be held in Fayette County business/industry locations with a facility tour and interaction with managers as part of the agenda.

Cost: $1,000

  • A $300 rebate will be provided upon the applicant’s successful completion of the program.
  • Leadership Fayette program will provide a Certificate of Completion with up to 4.8 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from Penn State University.
Applicant Information
Employer/Sponsor Information [If applicable]
I agree to participate in the Leadership Fayette program and understand that to graduate from the program and earn the full amount of CEUs, I must participate in a minimum of eight (8) sessions. I can expect to allocate 12 to 15 hours per month to the program. I also acknowledge that my employer/sponsor, if applicable, will be informed of my attendance. Sign above.
Upload requirements
I agree to provide time for the applicant to participate in the Leadership Fayette program, which entails excusing them from work as the schedule requires. Sign above.