Lemont Furnace, PA 15456
Gib Prettyman (PhD, University of California--Irvine) is Associate Professor of English and Co-Coordinator of the campus Honors Program at Penn State Fayette, where he has taught since 1996. His career awards and recognitions include the Penn State University Alumni/Student Award for Excellence in Teaching (2017), the Larry E. Hough Distinguished Service Award from the Society for Utopian Studies (2017), the Penn State Fayette Teaching Excellence Award (2012), the Penn State Fayette Scholarly Excellence Award (2001), and the Arthur O. Lewis Award (2000) for the best paper presented at the 1999 Society for Utopian Studies international conference by an untenured scholar. His numerous essays on utopian literature have appeared in such journals as Utopian Studies, Extrapolation, and American Literary Realism and in collections such as Kim Stanley Robinson Maps the Unimaginable, Green Planets, and The Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literature.
Ph D, English, University of California, Irvine
MA, English, University of Maryland
BA, Writing Seminars, The Johns Hopkins University