Lemont Furnace, PA 15456
Video Games in Humanities Education: A Case for PlayStation’s Doki Doki Universe, JECT: Journal on Excellence in College Teaching - August, 2022
Collaborators: Joann Jankoski; Array Array
Chaucer - 2021
Collaborators: Derrick Pitard, Co-Author; Krista Twu, Co-Author
Chaucer - June, 2020
Collaborators: Derrick Pitard, Co-Author; Krista Twu, Co-Author
Chaucer - June 10, 2019
Collaborators: Krista Twu, Co-Author; Derrick Pitard, Co-Author
The Saga of the Volsungs and Norse Heroics for a New Age: Increasing Global Awareness in General Education, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching - March, 2019
Bohemian Baby Boutique: Camelot Cloth Diaper Series - May 16, 2016
Modern-day Ring-givers: MMORPG Guilds and the Influence of Anglo-Saxon Culture, Studies in Medievalism - February, 2015
Neighbor Hob and Neighbor Lob: English Dialect Speakers in Sixteenth Century Drama, English Text Construction - January, 2013
Joanne Findon, "Lady, Hero, Saint: The Digby Play's Mary Magdalene", Medieval Feminist Forum - April, 2012
Mischief in Masculinity: Gender in John Lydgate’s Troy Book, Medieval Feminist Forum - April, 2012
Lexical Dichotomy and Ethics in Macbeth, Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference: Selected Papers - 2011
Linguistic Hybridity and English Identity in Early English Drama , Other Nations: Hybridity and Mythology in the Medieval Insular World - April, 2011
Chaucer’s Anxiety of Poetic Craft: The Squire’s Tale, Style - 2007
BA, English, Youngstown State University
Ph D, English, Pennsylvania State University
MA, English, Pennsylvania State University
Papers and Presentations
November 8, 2023
Making Course Readings A Social Experience With PerusallFayette TEACH Group
October 27, 2022 - October 29, 2022
Papers and Oral Presentations
Adapting Female Agency: Representing Medieval and Classical Women in the Tudor Interlude
Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference
Akron, Ohio
August 11, 2022
From Gen Ed To Grad School: Active Reading With Perusall
Commonwealth Connections: Instructor Days
March 11, 2021 - March 14, 2021
Papers and Oral Presentations
Jocasta (1566): Speaking Truth to Power in Sixteenth-Century Drama.
52nd Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association
August 20, 2020
Guest Lectures
Teaching Excellence Award Winner speech
Fayette Convocation
October 17, 2019 - October 20, 2019
Gossips, Neighbors, and Friends: Humor, Reputation, and Female Empowerment in the Tudor Interlude
Sixteenth Century Society Conference
St. Louis, MO
March 24, 2019 - March 25, 2019
Prudence, Honor, Utilitie, and Pleasure”: Representations of Female Agency in Mary Magdalen (Digby 133) and Mary Magdalen (1566)
NeMLA 50th Convention
Washington, DC
October 25, 2018
"Video Games in College, Really? Yes, Really!
Faculty Colloquium
Penn State Fayette
October 4, 2018 - October 5, 2018
Discussion Leader, "Incorporating Technologies to Prepare Students"
English Department Fall Conference
University Park, PA
April 12, 2018 - April 15, 2018
"Speaking Truth to Power: The Female Voice in the Tudor Interlude"
The 49th NeMLA Annual Convention
Pittsburgh, PA
March 8, 2018 - March 10, 2018
"Bodies and Selves: Dramatizing the Agency of Consent in the Tudor Interlude"
New College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Sarasota Florida
October 28, 2016
Papers and Oral Presentations
Role Playing Games in Higher Education: Can they enhance engagement and empathy?
Indiana College English Association 2016 Conference:Literature, Empathy, and Empowerment
Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, IN
March 31, 2016
The Effectiveness of Low-Stakes Supplemental Instruction for College Writers,”
Pennsylvania Association of Developmental Educators Conference
Pittsburgh, PA
October 1, 2015
Medievalism in the General Education Classroom
Mapping Medievalisms: 30th International Conference on Medievalism
Pittsburgh, PA
Organized five participants and participated in roundtable discussion of use of medievalism in the General Education classroom.
October, 2014
Words, Wives, and Wisdom: Female Agency in the Tudor Interlude
Sixteenth-Century Society Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana
November 21, 2013
Papers and Oral Presentations
Modern-Day Ring-Givers: MMORPG Guild Cultures and the Influence of the Anglo-Saxon World
Faculty Coloquium
November, 2012
Modern-Day Ring-Givers: MMORPG Guild Cultures and the Influence of the Anglo-Saxon World
23rd Annual Conference
Pittsburgh, PA
July, 2012
East Anglian Representations of the Demonic Other: Linguistics, Scatological Humor, and Drama
International Medieval Congress 2012
University of Leeds
October, 2011
Lexical Dichotomy and Ethics in Macbeth
Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI
October 1, 2010
Session Chair, Research in Databases and Other Digital ResourcesPennsylvania State University Fall English Conference
University Park, PA
December 28, 2009
Gods vast, Naybor, zay ye zo?': Code-Switching, Dialect, and Difference on the Early English Stage
125th Annual MLA International Convention
Philadelphia, PA
An examination of the representations of dialect on the pre-professional English stage as markers of difference, a desire for standardization of the language, and early English nationalism.
October 2, 2009
Code-Switching, Dialect, and Difference on the Early English Stage
Penn State Fall English Conference
University Park, PA