Professional Tutors
- Paul Coltus, Professional Biology/Chemistry Tutor
- McKenna Demek, Professional Writing Tutor
- Marissa Michael, Professional Writing Tutor
- Deb Stoy, Faculty, Academic Success Coach for Nursing
- Stacia Wetherington, Professional Writing and Communication Tutor
Peer Tutors
- Torren Yauger: Anatomy and Physiology, HDFS 129
- Holly Chapman: HDFS and Psychology
- Christopher Chesebrough: Psychology
- Zachary Diamond: Chemistry, Math and Physics
- Alysha Lessman: Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Math/Statistics, and Spanish
- Bryce Mudry: EET and MET
- Jacob Nace: PTA
- Kerstin Nutt: HDFS & Psychology
- Megan O’Brien: Math, Physics, and English
- Morgan Sherbondy: HDFS 129, Psych 100, and Math 37
- Lauren Showman: Math/Statistics