The Fayette Faculty Senate (FFS), with authority vested by the University Faculty Senate of The Pennsylvania State University, is the legislative body of the faculty of the Fayette campus. Through the FFS, the faculty provides input and authorizes action concerning a wide range of instructional, academic, organizational, and financial issues. FFS also disseminates information and encourages the exchange of ideas within the campus faculty community. All full-time faculty form the core FFS members, with administrative and student representatives also having membership and voting rights. Part-time faculty and all other members of the campus community are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate fully. All regular FFS meetings are open to the public.
The FFS Committee serves as an initial vetting juncture for faculty queries, proposals, concerns, and motions to be brought before FFS as a whole. The Executive Committee also decides on the appropriate means of pursuing individual issues, and sets the agenda for regular FFS meetings.
Faculty Executive Committee Meetings, 2019-2020
Eberly Room 104—12:15 to 1:15 p.m.
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 15
February 5
March 4
April 1
Faculty Senate Meeting Schedule, 2020-2021
Eberly Room 103—12:15 to 1:15 p.m.
September 9
October 8
November 12
December 9
January 20
February 25
March 17
April 22