David Meredith, an associate professor of engineering, prepares to plant a young maple tree at Penn State Fayette. Meredith and his students planted 125 trees on campus in honor of Earth Day.
Dr. Charles Patrick, chancellor and chief academic officer of Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, signs an articulation agreement between the University and Westmoreland County Community College. He is joined by, from left, Dr. Andrew Egan, chancellor and chief academic officer of Penn State Greater Allegheny, Dr. Tuesday Stanley, WCCC president, and Dr. Kevin Snider, chancellor of Penn State New Kensington.
David Meredith, associate professor of engineering, welcomed nearly 60 Boy Scouts from the Old Trails District on a quest to learn — and earn merit badges — to a camporee, held May 14 at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus.
Outstanding Fellow Robert Eberly Jr., second from left, and Outstanding Alumnus Mark Kempic, second from right, receive medallions and congratulations from Advisory Board of Penn State Fayette Inc. Chair Gary Monaghan, left, and Charles Patrick, chancellor and chief academic officer of Penn State Fayette.
Winners of the spring Learning Fair at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus are, from left: Robert Gunther, Zoey Budd, Adomas Povilianskas, Harry Barrett, Cody Lawrence, and Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer Charles Patrick.
Rita Gumbert, assistant to the financial officer at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, is pictured with her “25-year chair,” which the University recently gave her to mark 25 years of service.