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Jay Willard

Jay Willard

Jay Willard, veteran of U.S. Marine Corps and junior in the EMET program at Penn State Fayette

National Coming Out Day

Natl Coming Out Day 2019

Chad Long, director of Student Affairs; Katrina Porter, assistant teaching professor of biology; Ryan Demchak, ally; Brandon Demchak, president of PAWS; Amanda Collins, mental health counselor; and Rebecca Johnson, student life coordinator, celebrate National Coming Out Day, October 11.  

Jay Willard, veteran of U.S. Marine Corps and junior in the EMET program at Penn State Fayette

Jay Willard

Jay Willard, veteran of U.S. Marine Corps and junior in the EMET program at Penn State Fayette

Katrina Porter, assistant teaching professor of biology, introduces the Syndaver, a simulated human cadaver used for study.

Kati Porter

Katrina Porter, assistant teaching professor of biology, introduces the Syndaver, a simulated human cadaver used for study.  

Katrina Porter, assistant teaching professor of biology, introduces the Syndaver, a simulated human cadaver used for study.

Penn State Fayette hosts Health Science Days

The admissions department of Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus introduced a new event for college-prepared students to explore academic programs and careers in the field of health sciences. Health Science Days were held on Oct. 4 and Nov. 1.