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Flowers in the Garden

Row 1- Flowers and Herbs

Foreground = FLOWERS:

Zinnias to attract pollinators (bees)

Sunflowers (seeds in the fall)

Nasturtiums (edible flowers, peppery) 

Background = HERBS:

Chives (onion family) for baked potatoes

Cilantro (Mexican to Mediterranean diet)

Seeds are coriander (curry dishes)

Basil (great with Italian dishes)

Parsley (for your mashed potatoes)

Cabbage in the garden.

Row 2 Cabbage Family


Red Cabbage (great for slaw or German Rot Kraut)

White Cabbage (boiled with potatoes and corned beef for an Irish treat)


Broccoli (steamed with cheese or butter)

Kale (the newest craze as healthy chips)

Image of Old Main building with blue overlay.

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Keeping communities safe will take a collective effort. The campaign messaging is grounded in insights from surveys and focus groups comprised of students, faculty, staff and the State College community, and is a direct expectation for everyone to take personal actions to help create a safer environment as students return to campuses across the commonwealth.