(Front row, left to right) Tara Rankin, Mya Shawley, Austin Brundege
(Back row, left to right) Donata Heckman, Sarabeth Miner
LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — On April 1, five nursing students from Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, were inducted into the prestigious Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. The new inductees are Austin Brundege, Donata Heckman, Sarabeth Miner, Tara Rankin and Mya Shawley.
Sigma Theta Tau International, with over 150 chapters worldwide, represents nursing students who demonstrate academic excellence and nursing leaders who exhibit exceptional achievements in their field. Penn State is home to the Beta Sigma Chapter.
The honor society's mission is to advance global health and celebrate nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership and service. Sigma Theta Tau International envisions itself as the global organization of choice for nursing.
The name "Sigma Theta Tau" originates from the Greek words storgé, tharsos and timé, which signify love, courage and honor, representing the values of the society's members.
Membership in Sigma is awarded to nursing students registered in baccalaureate programs at recognized institutions of higher education who have completed at least 50% of the nursing curriculum, earned excellent grades and ranked in the top 35% of their graduating class. The society is committed to enhancing teaching, learning and service by fostering the growth of practical knowledge, education, and research.
At the Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, the Beta Sigma chapter provides its student members with numerous opportunities for growth and development. Members can engage in community-based projects tailored to their campus's specific needs, apply for research grants and travel funds, participate in local research events and attend national nursing conferences.
I am so very proud of these inductees for their demonstration of academic excellence and their future contributions for scholarship and excellence in nursing practice.—Melissa Miner , Director of Nursing & Associate Teaching Professor at Penn State Fayette