Judge Linda Cordaro of the Fayette County Court of Common Pleas was the guest speaker for the 46th commencement ceremony held Saturday, May 7, at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, where more than 140 students graduated.
LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — More than 140 students took the stage today (May 7) as Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer Charles Patrick conferred academic degrees on them during the 46th commencement ceremony at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus.
In his remarks this morning at the campus Community Center, Patrick focused on the importance of family support for those about to graduate. “I’m sure you realize,” he said, “it’s a journey in which you did not travel alone. You were likely encouraged, cheered, and perhaps even carried at times by those who care deeply for you.”
Patrick asked the family members in the audience to stand so that students could express their appreciation.
The guest speaker also commented on the role of families in education. Judge Linda Cordaro of the Fayette County Court of Common Pleas spoke of her mother’s encouragement when finishing law school seemed unattainable. She said, “It was my mother who gave me the push I needed at the time, telling me that I can’t stop now, I’ve worked this hard and have come this far, and I just have to finish my final year and get my law degree.” Cordaro noted the irony, since her mother had dropped out of high school in order to work and support her family.
Also addressing the commencement audience were two outstanding students. Speaking on behalf of those earning associate degrees was James Wilson, who, in the spirit of the day, paid homage to family. He explained how his father, a coal miner, would not allow him to work in a mine and instructed him to stay in college. Wilson said, “I am blessed with parents that told me I needed to do better for myself and refused to fund my apathy.”
Wilson’s counterpart, representing the bachelor’s degree candidates, was Kimberly Radvansky. She, like Wilson, thanked her immediate family; however, Radvansky also thanked her Penn State Fayette family, singling out four campus staff and faculty members who had furthered her education. She also mentioned opportunities available at the Fayette campus. “I have taken advantage of these opportunities, seizing the moment, and my years at Penn State Fayette have been all the more worthwhile because of it,” said Radvansky.
Following Radvanksy’s comments, candidates took the stage to accept their scrolls. After the conferring of degrees and the symbolic turning of cap tassels, Penn State Fayette Alumni Society President Seth Prentice inducted the new graduates into the Penn State Alumni Association.
With the commencement ceremony having come to a conclusion, graduates of the class of 2016 exited to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8543 band’s rendition of “Pomp and Circumstance,” and celebrated their educational achievement with their fellow students, friends and families at a reception in the campus Community Center.
At the Fayette campus commencement, Penn State University awarded degrees to 141 students. Distinction at graduation is awarded to baccalaureate degree candidates with at least 60 credits and associate degree candidates with at least 30 credits earned at Penn State and who are in the top 12 percent of a college’s graduating class. Graduating with highest distinction is Kimberly Radvansky; with high distinction are Christopher Popp, James Wilson and Andrew Yackuboskey; and with distinction are Matthew Ream, Kelsie Seman and Amber Werner.
Associate Degrees
Business Administration
Crum, Elizabeth L.
Earley, Cynthia L.
Fetsco, Michael P.
Renze, Rebecca A.
Electrical Engineering Technology
Balsinger, Nathaniel J.
Brown, Kelsey M.
Czuchan, Joseph P.
Lawless, James A.
Matthews, Paul R.
Paull, Ryan A.
Ream, Matthew D.
Wiltrout, Jacob T.
Yingling, Kayla D.
Human Development and Family Studies
Carns, Shalyn M.
Miller, Heather L.
Information Sciences and Technology
McAllister, Brian E.
Richezza, Steven J.
Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Dix, Lauren N.
Keyser, Miranda
King, Stephanie M.
Miller, Barry L.
Mining Technology
Ambrosini, Justin J.
Cappellini, Alan J.
Detrick, Jason A.
Fincham, Roy T., Veteran
Halfhill, Jack A., Veteran
Popp, Christopher W.
Smith, Collin T.
Wilson, James E.
Yackuboskey, Andrew R.
Baker, Amanda L.
Cope, Tara L.
Filburn, Breanna L.
Guynn, Sarah E.
Hall, Heather L.
Henry, Eryn A.
Keffer, Jonathan E.
Leapline, Tracy L.
Leone, Angela J.
Long, Kaitlyn J.
Majoros, Bobbie Jo
McBurnie, Danielle R.
Medvec, Kerry J.
Metcalf, Mackenzie L.
Phillip, Jennifer L.
Plisko, Rebecca J.
Sebek, Courtney N.
Sheppard, Kara
Sledge, Whitney R.
Smitley, Courtney L.
Solis, Myra E.
Sutton, Olivia K.
Swallop, Kalynn E.
Thompson, Latoi D.
Tyler, Kelsey A.
Umbaugh, Brandi L.
Umbel, Kaitlyn M.
Venersky, Stephanie L.
Vokes, Samantha D.
White, Ashley S.
Williams, Caitlyn A.
Physical Therapist Assistant
Apel, Jason A.
Geller, Breanne D.
Horwath, Amanda L.
Hyatt, Breanne K.
Kacmar, Jaclyn S.
McKenny, Alysa B.
Reagan, Gary D.
Silverio, Natalie M.
Zidek, Joshua
Baccalaureate Degrees
Bachelor of Arts
Administration of Justice
Bowman, Lacy E.
Helmantoler, Samantha L.
Rozgony, Abby H.
Bachelor of Science
Administration of Justice
Lewis, Teri L.
Means, Mathew S.
Nicholson, Russell B.
Phillips, Robert T.
Smith, Torrie P.
Bachelor of Science
Business Administration
Adams, Robert C.
Bates, Samantha L.
Bird, Andrew D.
Dicenzo, Steven L.
Dvorchak, Keith
Dziak, Shelby N.
Garris, Jacob O.
Haines, Michael D.
Henrish, Jennifer N.
Krall, Seth M.
Krall, Jonathan C.
Lemesh, Zackary S.
Lucostic, Ryan J.
Maiolini, Paige
Miller, Heather L.
Myers, Chelsea L.
Noonan, Michael R.
Pavlick, Shannon N.
Radvansky, Kimberly A.
Sedlak, Zachary T.
Stone, Andrew M.
Suitor, Jennifer S.
Bachelor of Arts
Smith, Torrie P.
Bachelor of Science
Human Development and Family Studies
Gaddis, Carl A.
McCandless, Jenny L.
Medley, Keith A., Veteran
Porterfield, Elizabeth A.
Povlik, Kaytlyne D.
Ptomey, Keith E.
Seman, Kelsie N.
Williams, Alicia M.
Volek, Michael J.
Wombacker, Bethany L.
Bachelor of Science
Information Sciences and Technology
Rodgers, Patrick A.
Bachelor of Science
Apel, Lisa M.
Collins, Courtney R.
Czernatowicz, Michael K.
Diamond, Katie E.
Fogle, Dana M.
Frederick, Amanda L.
Harshell, Chelsey
Harty, Patrick T.
Hyde, Amber L.
Kelley, Daisy M.
Knoyer, Lee P.
Kooser, Bethany J.
Kotyuha, Julie L.
Kromer, Moriah L.
Lowry, Heidi J.
Martin, Jane A.
Mayer, Tami R.
Obstarczyk, Allison L.
Rechenberg, Walter
Seibel, Megan A.
Shadron, Cheyanne L.
Snyder, Georgia L.
Sparks, Anna M.
Stiner, Lisa M.
Vicites, Joseph A.
Werner, Amber L.
Ybarra, Kayla J.
Bachelor of Arts
Miller, Katie
Bachelor of Science
Riggar, Stacey L., Veteran
Wombacker, Bethany L.