Credit: Penn State
May 2, 2023
LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, recently hosted its 57th annual student awards banquet to celebrate outstanding student achievements in academics, university contributions, and campus merit.
Campus Academic Awards
- James E. Work Memorial Award in Agriculture
- Emily Lynch
- Jerome Joseph Guzy Memorial Award in Art
- Neala Scottodiluzio (Drawing), Bianca Stupka (Painting)
- Associates in Business Administration Student of the Year Award
- Samantha McGhee
- Bachelors of Science in Business Student of the Year Award
- Kaitlyn Scripp, Abrah Stewart
- Corporate Communications Student of the Year Award
- Madison Ash, Joshua Simon
- Criminal Justice Student of the Year Award
- Hayley White
- Engineering Student of the Year Award
- Brett Lemansky
- Engineering Technology Student of the Year Award
- Joseph Stoner
- Human Development & Family Studies Student of the Year Award
- Olivia Spotto
- Math Student of the Year Award
- Brett Lemansky
- Project & Supply Chain Management Student of the Year Award
- Mason Nickelson
- Psychology Student of the Year Award
- Kerstin Nutt
- Physical Therapy Assistant Student of the Year Award
- Nicole Walker
- Life Sciences Student of the Year Award
- Ethan Mates
- Physical Sciences Student of the Year Award
- Zachary Allamon
University Awards
- Eric A. and Josephine S. Walker Award
- Maria Catalina
- President Walker Academic Award
- Adela Blough, Cayden Conn, Abigail Hixon, Leah Hutchinson, Lukas Joseph, Olivia Logan, Sophie Machesky, Cassandra Nickelson, Brenna Ross, Benjamin Tilzey
- President Sparks Academic Award
- Zachary Allamon, Lucas Beddick, Bryce Landman, Nikolas Regish
- John Roe Sustainability Impact Award
- Nicole Walker
Campus Merit Awards
- Dennis Hippo Memorial Award
- Jorge Palmas, Hayley White
- Drozd Family Humanitarian Assistance and Community Service Award
- Bethany Umbel
- Port Family Public Service Award
- Joshua Simon
- Student Excellence Award
- Kerstin Nutt (Finalist), Keyli Portillo (Finalist), Joseph Stoner (Winner)
- Club of the Year Award
- Christian Club
Congratulations to all the award recipients for their exemplary achievements and contributions to Penn State Fayette! Visit the campus' Flickr photo album to view captivating images from the event.