Students and faculty mentors posing at the Undergraduate Exhibition.
LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, has announced the winners of its spring Undergraduate Exhibition, a campus-wide event that showcases the most innovative and creative projects from students across various disciplines. This year's winners include a diverse range of undergraduate research and class projects, which highlight the ingenuity and hard work of Penn State Fayette's student body.
Undergraduate Research Category Winners
First Place: Sarah Bielawski for her research on "From the Conspiratorial Perspective: Analyzing the 'Birds Aren't Real' Conspiracy Movement," under the guidance of faculty mentor Gib Prettyman.
Second Place: Tyler Duda for his research on "Gauge Symmetry in Physics," under the guidance of faculty mentor Andy Royston.
Third Place: Brandon Myers, Joshua Krause and Ryan Balentine for their work on "Programmed Motorized Cart System," under the guidance of faculty mentors Rasoul Mills and Gerald Angle.
Class Project Category Winners
First Place: Shane Leskinen for his work on "Axe and Anchor Ironworks," under the guidance of faculty mentor Bill Gardner.
Second Place: Anna Elko for her work on "The Head of Poseidon," under the guidance of faculty mentor Ginett Pineda.
Third Place (TIE): Sophie Machesky and Colby Cain project for their work on "Out of the Crisis" under the guidance of faculty mentor Bill Gardner.
Third Place (TIE): Alex Day for his work on "Solar Powered Phone Charger" under the guidance of faculty mentor Rasoul Milasi.
Penn State Fayette congratulates all the winners and participants for their outstanding achievements and commitment to excellence. The Learning Fair serves as an excellent platform for students to share their ideas, findings and creativity with the campus community, fostering a culture of collaboration and intellectual growth.