The Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) program helps you to prepare for a career in which you can help others, contribute to a stronger community, and make a difference in the lives of others. The nation's elderly population is growing, single-parent families are increasing, and greater numbers of children are in child care. These trends create high demand for HDFS graduates. The program provides an understanding for the whole person over the lifespan, in different contexts and cultures. Graduates of the HDFS program find careers as active, dynamic, and versatile human service professionals. For those already in the field of human services, HDFS degrees provide opportunities for further advancement.
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Adult Development and Aging Services Option
The "graying of the population" has necessitated a strong need for human service professionals in the field of gerontology (aging). This option offers preparation to students for a wide variety of roles in nursing homes and other institutions for older adults, area agencies on aging, public welfare, and family service agencies in the communities.
Children, Youth, and Family Services Option
In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the need for human service professionals knowledgeable about child and family development. This option offers preparation to students for a wide variety of roles in child care centers, community youth centers, child advocate programs, drug and alcohol treatment programs, and mental health agencies.