The associate degree program in Business Administration offers a high-quality educational experience with a convenient schedule and close-to-home commuting. With an emphasis on small business, the program offers specialization in management, marketing, or general business. The degree leads to entry-level business positions and gives you the option to earn the bachelor of science degree offered at the campus.
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The two-year, college-level academic Business Administration major is designed to provide instruction in business courses that fulfills the requirements of various levels of responsibility higher than that held by high school graduates.
The associate degree program offers you the opportunity to obtain a college degree from one of the nation's leading universities without the four-year commitment. Although a four-year degree may be required in certain fields, an associate degree in Business Administration often can serve as a point of entry into many organizations. It may satisfy employment requirements for many jobs, and for people already engaged in the business world, the program may lead to career advancement.
The associate degree in Business Administration can provide you the opportunity to:
- Gain a general understanding of business and business related issues.
- Earn a college degree that may lead directly to employment opportunities in the business community.
- Specialize in various areas of interest such as management, marketing, or individualized options.
- Transfer to a bachelor's degree program at the Fayette Campus, University Park, or another college or university.